I raced ras lumni this weekend, went down on the sat night and raced sunday morning. If nothing else came of it the crack was had, stayed in the maldron in southhill, probably not the most pleasent spot in the world but with a twin room bigger than something off mtv cribs i wasnt complaining. it could have been paranoia but i just wasnt fully confident about the condition of my achilles, all i could do was stretch relax and focus on the race the following day.
Attack, Attack, Attack....... thats all i remember, i was as aggressive as a fox forced into a corner and a shotgun in his face. i followed every move that my legs woud possibly allow me to, in the end i missed the one move that stayed clear, but after a savage effort i managed to bridge the gap and make my way to the break.... problem being i arrived with 5km to go, in a bodybag, and cramping like a mad dog. sprinted my eyeballs out but in the end all i could muster was a 6th place. i wasnt particulary happy with the result but what can i do..... TRAIN HARDER... RACE SMARTER. ras mumhan this weekend and im expecting big things, that is if the pain in my achilles goes, it was on one of the small inclines in limerick that i may have done some damage, i tried accelerating after a wheel in a large gear and found my achilles paying the price.
The new bike seems to be meeting all the challenges it has faced so far, and the campy is a dream come true, so smooth, so easy, and never fails to meet my requirements when the pressure is on.
with the days till the ras getting lesser and lesser i find my self asking the question will i be ready in time, my injury has been a major set back, one of which i cant find words to express the situation, but all athletes suffer injuries, they are part and parcel of sport, what makes the difference is the ones that take some thing away from the scenario and apply it to prevent a reacurance.
may ras mumhan have mercy on my legs!!!